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Special events 

If you are looking for an idea to celebrate a special event, an anniversary or a birthday in Sardinia, chartering a rib is a good idea. You may amaze your guests with an unforgettable boat tour through the Maddalena Archipelago or surprise your girlfriend with a romantic proposal in Cala Coticcio.

You will celebrate with your family or friends in the sun while swimming in crystal clear water surrounded by hydillic scenary of sandy beaches and unspolided nature.
If you like, during the tour we may offer you a tasty aperitif on board or if you prefer to sit at the table of one of the seaside restaurant of La Maddalena we can drop you ashore and wait for you.

We can assist you in every aspect of your event planning, from booking to boarding. You just need to fill out the contact form beside and tell us what you would you like. We will help create a perfect event, one you will never forget!

We are ready for your next charter! 

Send us a note with a brief description of your needs.

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